Best Quran Classes

Medhat Abdelaziz #4
Bachelor’s Degree (BA)

About Me

For more than eight years I have been teaching Quran, Tajweed, and Arabic. Online learning has opened up doors to meeting students from all around the world. As a teacher, the online space is incredibly exciting, as my professional teaching is no longer limited to location. I feel so proud when my students master the rules of tajweed or converse with me in Arabic and they didn’t even recognize a letter when I first met them. To know that my teaching is available to anyone, anywhere in the world is truly a blessing. I am also passionate about trying new methods and interactive technology to keep my students engaged and keep the learning fun. I love the work I do and the people I am able to help and work with.
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Tutor’s Features

Experience the power of our customized online learning system, designed to cater to your unique needs and maximize your educational journey.
5+ Years Experience
Speak English Fluently
Graduated From Al-Azhar


Basics of Arabic Language


Tajweed Rules

Students Reviews

Vel officiis dolor ea illo aut eligendi ullam non laudantium magnam et recusandae molestiae sit iure unde aut voluptate quaerat.
Ali Mohammed
2 days ago
Vel officiis dolor ea illo aut eligendi ullam non laudantium magnam et recusandae molestiae sit iure unde aut voluptate quaerat.
Ali Mohammed
2 days ago
Vel officiis dolor ea illo aut eligendi ullam non laudantium magnam et recusandae molestiae sit iure unde aut voluptate quaerat.
Ali Mohammed
2 days ago
Vel officiis dolor ea illo aut eligendi ullam non laudantium magnam et recusandae molestiae sit iure unde aut voluptate quaerat.
Ali Mohammed
2 days ago

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Still Have Questions?

A: Absolutely! Our experienced teachers provide personalized instruction and support, making online learning just as effective as in-person classes.

A: Absolutely! Our experienced teachers provide personalized instruction and support, making online learning just as effective as in-person classes.

A: Absolutely! Our experienced teachers provide personalized instruction and support, making online learning just as effective as in-person classes.

A: Absolutely! Our experienced teachers provide personalized instruction and support, making online learning just as effective as in-person classes.