Best Quran Classes

Best Quran Classes provide a convenient and personalized online Quran learning experience

Why Choose Our Best Quran Classes Academy?

Quran Class

Learning the Quran with a critical and contemporary approach

Quran Class

 Personalised classes with a structured Quranic curriculum

Quran Class

Latest Technology study material

Quran Class

Adaptable timings and Scheduling

Interactive Quran Classes For Kids and Adults

BQC has evolved over the years due to the prominent and unmatched features that give it an edge over the others. Have a look at what we offer and why you should choose us.
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Experience personalized learning 

Assess your level 

Assess your level 

A Personlized Plan

A Personlized Plan

Structured Curriculum

Structured Curriculum

Track Your Progress

Track Your Progress

Monthly Report

Monthly Report

Well-Structured Quran Courses, Powered by Our LMS:

To enhance your learning experience, we utilize a state-of-the-art Learning Management System (LMS). This interactive platform provides:

Structured Curriculum

• Easy-to-follow lessons and modules that progress logically.

Interactive Exercises

• Engaging activities and quizzes to reinforce learning.

Progress Tracking

• Monitor your progress, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate your achievements.

24/7 Access

• Learn at your own pace, anytime and anywhere, on any device.

Multimedia Resources

• Access a wealth of supplementary materials, including videos, audio recordings, and references .

Start Your Quranic Journey in 3 Simple Steps:

Choose Your Program
Enroll with Ease
Begin Your Transformation

Insightful Student Statistics

Our Tutors

Explore the enriching experience of a BCQ course. Immerse yourself in Quranic teachings, Arabic language, and deepened understanding of Islamic studies.

Certified Arab Tutors

5+ Years Experience

Speak English Fluently

Graduated From Al-Azhar


Medhat Abdelaziz #7


Medhat Abdelaziz #6


Medhat Abdelaziz #5


Medhat Abdelaziz #4


Medhat Abdelaziz #3


Medhat Abdelaziz #2

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Absolutely! Our experienced teachers provide personalized instruction and support, making online learning just as effective as in-person classes.

A: Absolutely! Our experienced teachers provide personalized instruction and support, making online learning just as effective as in-person classes.

A: Absolutely! Our experienced teachers provide personalized instruction and support, making online learning just as effective as in-person classes.

A: Absolutely! Our experienced teachers provide personalized instruction and support, making online learning just as effective as in-person classes.


Vel officiis dolor ea illo aut eligendi ullam non laudantium magnam et recusandae molestiae sit iure unde aut voluptate quaerat.
Ali Mohammed
2 days ago
Vel officiis dolor ea illo aut eligendi ullam non laudantium magnam et recusandae molestiae sit iure unde aut voluptate quaerat.
Ali Mohammed
2 days ago
Vel officiis dolor ea illo aut eligendi ullam non laudantium magnam et recusandae molestiae sit iure unde aut voluptate quaerat.
Ali Mohammed
2 days ago
Vel officiis dolor ea illo aut eligendi ullam non laudantium magnam et recusandae molestiae sit iure unde aut voluptate quaerat.
Ali Mohammed
2 days ago